Site icon Little Roses Foundation


On December 11,2022, Little Roses Foundation accompanied the Organization for the Assistance of Persons with Disabilities and Orphans, Nguyen Hoang Group and other benefactors and individuals to provide free medical examination to around 2,000 orphans, crippled, and underprivileged individuals in Ho Chi Minh City and Thu Duc City.

The event took place at the UK Academy (UKA) Binh Thanh campus in Ho Chi Minh City. This important volunteer event was accompanied by a team of doctors and medical specialists from numerous Ho Chi Minh City hospitals, the dental staff of the City Odonto-Stomatology Association in Ho Chi Minh City, and over 150 volunteers from Hong Bang International University (HIU), Gia Dinh University (GDU), Hoa Sen University (HSU), and UKA administrators, staff, and students.

Orphans, the disabled, and those in precarious situations are entitled to a general health examination, an eye test, a dental exam and treatment, and a musculoskeletal exam. In addition, there are X-ray examinations of the heart and lungs, ultrasounds, electrocardiograms, and gynecological exams on the list of examinations ordered by doctors and performed upon patient request. At the same time, individuals who require therapy are prescribed and provided with free medication.

In addition to medical evaluation and treatment, orphans, the disabled, and the impoverished receive free haircuts and Christmas gifts from volunteer organizations and philanthropists.

#LittleRosesFoundation #LRF #Toallwearelove #UNSDG17

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