1. The art program “Mother Is Love”

The “Mother Is Love” program, which LRF inherited from Nguyen Hoang Education Group, is an educational art program aimed at instilling and cultivating in young people gratitude for their parents, relatives, and acquaintances. LRF contributes to the development of children’s human qualities by coordinating student participation in volunteer activities funded by the program’s proceeds. The LRF program is anticipated to be conducted in July 2023 in collaboration with Nguyen Hoang Education Group. This is also an opportunity for LRF to interact with benefactors and partners in order to raise funds for LRF’s social charity programs.

2. “Art Workshop & Fashion Week” program

It is a fashion art program designed to spread beauty and conserve the Vietnamese artistic essence. It is anticipated that LRF will collaborate with universities with a fashion industry to solicit the support of instructors and students for its implementation. This is also an occasion to connect LRF with sponsors and partners in order to raise funds for LRF’s social charity programs.

3. “Christmas Gifts” program

Inheriting the “Christmas Gifts” program of Nguyen Hoang Education Group, “Gift Of Love” is an educational art chapter that allows all members of society to altogether spread love, concern, and compassion for difficult individuals and situations in life. The “Gift Of Love” program is anticipated to be co-hosted by LRF and Nguyen Hoang Education Group in December 2023. This is also an occasion to connect LRF with sponsors and partners in order to raise funds for LRF’s social charity programs.